Noor Sayuti, B.A. M.E.
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam IAIN Palangkaraya
Abstract: The increasing popularity of
technology-based pasyment system substanstially changes conventional payment
system design from cash payment system to non-cash payment system. Gradually,
the expansion is impressive enough to change paradigm of economist in micro-transaction
settlement, as well as becoming the root of Less Cash Society spirit creation. One
of the instruments of non-cash payment which has been a trend today is E-money.
It is an electronic-based non-cash payment. Some studies showed that there was
a positif impact to monetery policy earned from this trend, its influence in
the level of velocity of money and the effort to reduce the use of cash payment
as an effort to hold inflation flow. The purpose of this study is to find out maqāṣid al-syarī’ah dimension, which is
a philosophical study about the real purpose of Syariat Islam. In this study,
the data was analyzied by Qualitative-normative approach using
inductive-analysis method. Maqāṣid
al-syarī’ah dimension was observed using the theory of maṣlahah
principle as a tool of analysis. It aimed to find out the advantage of e-money
either in conventional economic concept or Islam concept, which is the aspect
of utility and maṣlahah. Maṣlahah has become part of integration
in studying Maqāṣid al-syarī’ah. It's
due to the real meaning of maṣlahah
is implement the purpose of syara’ as an effort in developing human life
generally for now and hereafter. By observing maṣlahah principle toward
e-money products including its derivative products which have become a trend
these days, so it shows that the products of e-money only benefits the secular
dimension. Precision in considering maṣlahah
is indeed essential as extracting the ukhrawi dimension which has the same
purpose with syariah principles, considering it e-money has the potential to
completeness choice of product for sharia financial institution.
Maqāṣid al-syarī’ah, Maṣlahah, Non tunai
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